
A Justification of Proposals to Improve Shipping in the Bering Strait

Alexander A. Lentarev *
Author Information & Copyright
*Department of Navigation, Marine State University named after adm. G. I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok, Russia,

© Copyright 2021 Korea Maritime Institute. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2018


This paper presents the geographical features of the Bering Strait, the existing hydro meteorological and navigational conditions, the state of shipping and environmental aspects. Estimates of the probability of navigation accidents and possible oil spills are given. The systems for ensuring the safety of navigation, in particular, the ship’s routing system, the ship’s reporting system, the global maritime distress and safety system, as well as possible instruments for regulating navigation in this strait are presented. Based on the analysis performed and taking into account the expected explosive growth in the volume of freight traffic, proposals were developed for improving the organization of the regulation of shipping in the Bering Strait.

Keywords: Bering Strait; shipping; vessels; marine safety system; marine environment